The Introduction of Internet has come to complement other mass media channels to inform, educates and entertain the living .It has made transaction very comfortable and convenient to many Organization, Companies among others.it is helping students to have access to research , sending and receiving letters within minute by the help of e- mails.
Sites such as Facebook Twitter Youtube H15,Yahoo chats and Yahoo Messenger among others enable users to communicate faster and easier.Some even help users to watch themselves as they are chatting which is the web camera 0r web cam.Some of the youth of today are so addicted to Facebook and Yahoo Messenger to the extent of searching for lovers on-line .YES!!!But is that the best place to search for a lover?if indeed one cannot tell where to find real love then users should be extra careful about how they go about issues on Facebook.
Pictures or written information on the person's profile can't tell who or what the person really is.Our ladies are the main victims because they easily fall for the lies these Facebook guys tell them.
They chat with a guy for about one month or two weeks and he wants to go out or date them.Some of these ladies do not take time to investigate the background of the person but just jump into their beds.
What do we hear nowadays?guys sending out videos of girls or ladies after sleeping with them.There is a saying that when the one in front falls in a pit,those behind should take precaution,but are the ladies advising themselves?
It really fun chatting on Facebook and others but must one try even falling in love with those we chat with?The fact that someone was lucky to meet the right one through Facebook does not mean you will also be fortunate.
Many ladies break-up with their loved ones because of Facebook love. Some guys even ask ladies to show them nude pictures or even use the webcam to show their naked bodies which is very bad.How can you allow a man you hardly know view your nakedness or make love with you?I keep asking myself questions and cannot find reasons why precious ladies engage themselves in this immoral practice.
Please,let's be watchful about the way we relate to these Facebook guys because one may not know who he or she is dealing with.It would be that they want to tarnish people's image.
my dear ladies please let's all be watchful of whatever we do because many guys out there just want to destory us n sit back to laugh.let's becareful