Monday, July 26, 2010


I write with pain in my heart about the issue of children in remand homes.Many people have the perception that every child at the remand home is a bad child,which could be true but i strongly believe there are some there who have sad reasons for ending up there.
some ended there because of the treatment they received at home either through maltreatment or a rape case,among others.
Also,parents send their wards there for them to be reformed because of the way they behave towards their parents.
In 2003,there was a case of a girl who was sent to the remand home by a business women who plies between Ghana and Nigeria.The woman met this poor girl stranded somewhere on her way to book her ticket for the next car.
She questioned the girl and got to know that she was brought up by her step-mother's friend who tired to sell her to someone else,so she ran from the woman's house to the station.she was brought to Ghana and was sent to the remand home.
There are a lot of innocent children at the remand homes whose stories need to be listened to.
I am pleading with Ministry of women and children Affair to come to the aid of these innocent children.

1 comment:

  1. why must we let children suffer and sit back to say they are the future leaders?it time we must consider some facts.
