Never look down upon someone no matter how the person looks for it is not the looks that pays but the message, the information and the reason why the person approached you is what we must be interested in.
It always good to say sorry to someone no matter who the fault comes from because you don’t know when you will offend someone or need help from someone since the world is a small place for all.
I know the Rhapsody brings a lot of meanings to minds but all the same, it just a tittle of a movie which blends most aspect of life to educate, inform and entertain movie fans.
From the producer of “Adults Only, Hot Folk” among others Mr. Socrate Safo, comes this sensational movie “Rhapsody of Love”.
Elorm(Baby Blanche)has been dating Antwi(Ekow Blankson) for a very long time but Mr.Annong(Mr.Odoi Mensah)his father, never agreed to the idea of him getting married to Elorm because she was Epileptic.
Elorm is left with nothing but tears and attempted to commit suicide.
Mr Ofei’s (Ekow Freeman) secretary, mistakenly dailed a wrong number for him as one business associate. He had a blind date with Elorm after the number was wrongly dialled.
Elorm is now happy again by his company and his unconditional love for her.
Have you ever been torn apart between the two? The one who loves you but his father won’t agree and the one who loves you how you are without condition.
Who do you think deserves Elorm’s love? Watch out for the movie called RHAPSODY OF LOVE from Safo ‘N’ Safo productions marketed and distributed nationwide.